We specialize in helping everyday individuals from all walks of life master the art of real estate wholesaling
and build a profitable business. Using our proven strategies, you can start earning 6-figures per year
by learning the ins and outs of wholesaling and leveraging powerful tools like Facebook ads.
We’ve scaled our own business from $0 to $700k a year with the same methods we teach. More importantly, we’ve helped hundreds of clients achieve both financial success and time freedom, allowing them to pursue their passions while building a profitable business. If you're still reading this, we'd love to help you too! Our goal is to help you build your own Freedom Business by securing your first $2,000+ client within 30 days . When you sign up, you’ll receive lifetime access to our video training library, covering all aspects of real estate wholesaling. We also provide 6 months of expert support for setting up and managing Facebook ads, along with weekly technical support calls and 1-on-1 coaching meetings twice a week.
Join our community today and gain access to two exclusive groups, '7 Figure Wholesalers' and 'Wholesale Cash Connection,' as well as 24/7 Slack support. Don’t wait—your path to financial freedom begins now!
We specialize in helping everyday individuals from all walks of life master the art of real estate wholesaling
and build a profitable business. Using our proven strategies, you can start earning 6-figures per year
by learning the ins and outs of wholesaling and leveraging powerful tools like Facebook ads.
We’ve scaled our own business from $0 to $700k a year with the same methods we teach. More importantly, we’ve helped hundreds of clients achieve both financial success and time freedom, allowing them to pursue their passions while building a profitable business. If you're still reading this, we'd love to help you too! Our goal is to help you build your own Freedom Business by securing your first $2,000+ client within 30 days . When you sign up, you’ll receive lifetime access to our video training library, covering all aspects of real estate wholesaling. We also provide 6 months of expert support for setting up and managing Facebook ads, along with weekly technical support calls and 1-on-1 coaching meetings twice a week.
Join our community today and gain access to two exclusive groups, '7 Figure Wholesalers' and 'Wholesale Cash Connection,' as well as 24/7 Slack support. Don’t wait—your path to financial freedom begins now!
Tony Marinov has personally trained thousands of students at live events and online, teaching them how to wholesale houses and achieve financial independence.
Growing up in Vancouver, Tony began his journey wholesaling properties across the USA and Canada. He’s now one of the leading figures in the industry, helping aspiring wholesalers avoid the mistakes he made early on, so they can grow their business even faster.
Tony Marinov has personally trained thousands of students at live events and online, teaching them how to wholesale houses and achieve financial independence.
Growing up in Vancouver, Tony began his journey wholesaling properties across the USA and Canada. He’s now one of the leading figures in the industry, helping aspiring wholesalers avoid the mistakes he made early on, so they can grow their business even faster.
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